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Reef shark with bait fish and jacks

Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Caribbean reef shark: Carcharhinus perezi, Cartilaginous Fishes: Chondrichthyes, Fishes, Ground Sharks: Carcharhiniformes, Jacks: Carangidae, Marine Life, Requiem Sharks: Carcharhindidae, Sharks, bar jack: Caranx ruber, copyrighted, marine, ocean, round scad: Decapterus punctatus, schooling, underwater, underwater photo

Many types of bait fish will seek protection from predation by congregating around large predators such as this reef shark. The bar jacks fish swimming above the reef shark are attempting to feed on the bait fish but will usually not approach so close to the mouth of the reef shark for fear of being preyed upon themselves.