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Rare photo of a seahorse and paper nautilus in Florida

Algae, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Brown Algae, Brown Algae: Brown Seaweeds: Phaeophyta, Cephalopods: Cephalopoda, Filefishes: Monacanthidae, Fishes, Invertebrates, LIFE STAGES, less than 1 inch, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, Mollusks: Mollusca, Nautiluses: Nautiloidea, PHOTO TYPE, night dive, Paper Nautilus: Argonautidae, SIZE, macro, Seahorses: Syngathidae: Sygnathidae,, West Palm Beach, [LOCATION], blackwater, larvae, horizontal, macro, marine, ocean, paper nautiluses: Argonauta sp., rare, sargassum seaweed: Sargassum fluitans, underwater, underwater photo, vertical

This rare and unique octopus lives a pelagic life and is rarely seen in Florida. Female paper nautiluses will produce a delicate egg casing in which it will live and lay eggs. For decades I was hopeful to one day see a paper nautilus and, much to my surprise, the first time I found one it was attached to this piece of sargassum seaweed floating along with a seahorse and some larval filefish. Mother nature truly wanted my first find to be unforgetable!