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Wild Spotted Dolphin Silhouette – Stenella frontalis

Atlantic spotted dolphin: Stenella frontalis, Cetaceans: Cetacea, Mammalia, Marine Dolphins: Delphinidae, Marine Life, Marine Mammals, adolescent, adult, aqua, baby, blue, body - full, bottom profile, dolphin, favorite, gray, heavy body, immature, juvenile, large, larger than 56 inches, mammal, marine, mature, ocean, ocean surface, portrait, rays, sand, silhouette, sun burst, sun flare, sun ray, sun ripples, swimming, turquoise, underwater, underwater light, underwater photo, vertical, wide angle, young

Rarely do I ever enter the water to play and swim with dolphins with a camera in my hands for it distracts from these amazing encounters. In the hopes of capturing a little bit of the beauty of these encounters to share with others, I decided to take my camera with me and lady luck allowed me this magnificent opportunity to capture one of my favorite photographs.