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Peppermint goby perches on boulder star coral – Coryphopterus li

Anthozoans: Anthozoa, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Cnidarians: Cnidaria, Faviidae, Faviina, Fishes, Gobies: Gobiidae, Hexacorals: Hexacorallia, Invertebrates, Marine Life, Stony Corals: Scleractina: Scleractinia, adult, blue, body - full, boulder star coral: Montastrea annularis, copyrighted, coral, fish, front-side profile, horizontal, landscape, less than 1 inch, macro, marine, mature, ocean, peppermint goby: Coryphopterus lipernes, perched, reef, super macro, thin, underwater, underwater photo, yellow

The pelvic fins on this peppermint goby (Coryphopterus lipernes) is fused to form an adhesive disc (suction cup) that allows it to cling firmly to the substrate; in this case a boulder star coral.