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Caribbean reef shark swims over coral reef

Atlantic Ocean, Bahamas, Caribbean reef shark: Carcharhinus perezi, Cartilaginous Fishes: Chondrichthyes, Fishes, Ground Sharks: Carcharhiniformes, Invertebrates, Marine Life, Requiem Sharks: Carcharhindidae, Sharks, Siliceous Sponges: Demospongiae, Sponges: Porifera, TheLivingSea,, West Indies, copyrighted, coral, marine, ocean, portrait, purple tube sponge: Aplysina lacunosa, reef, sea, tropical, underwater, underwater photo, wide angle

Caribbean reef sharks are viviparous species, giving birth to live young. Litters of Caribbean reef sharks average between 4-6 pups. It is believed larger sharks, such as the tiger shark and bull shark, are one of the Caribbean reef shark’s main predators. Learn more about the Caribbean reef shark.