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Over 460 species of sharks in the ocean

Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Caribbean reef shark: Carcharhinus perezi, Cartilaginous Fishes: Chondrichthyes, Fishes, Ground Sharks: Carcharhiniformes, Jacks: Carangidae, Marine Life, Requiem Sharks: Carcharhindidae, Sharks, bar jack: Caranx ruber, copyrighted, horizontal, marine, ocean, rays, sun burst, sun flare, sun ray, sun ripples, symbiosis, symbiotic relationship, underwater, underwater light, underwater photo, wide angle

There are over 460 different species of sharks known throughout the world’s oceans and new species are still being discovered. Even though sharks are considered one of the apex predators of the ocean, many species are under the threat of extinction due to human causes such as the wasteful practice of shark finning.