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Seahorse birth in the wild

Blue Heron Bridge, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, FL, Fishes, Florida, Marine Life, Palm Beach County, Phil Foster Park, Seahorses: Syngathidae: Sygnathidae, Singer Island, USA, United States, West Palm Beach, copyrighted, lined seahorse: Hippocampus erectus, macro, marine, muck, ocean, portrait, spawning, underwater, underwater photo, vertical

This rare photograph of a seahorse birth in the wild was taken during one of my muck dives in West Palm Beach, FL. The MALE seahorse, with a brood pouch full of eggs deposited by a female, is left in charge of incubation for up to 25 days. During this half hour birthing event the pregnant male seahorse released over a hundred fully developed baby seahorses into the water column. Learn more.