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Fish hiding in sea urchin

BEHAVIOR, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Echinoderms: Echinodermata, Echinoids: Echinoidea, Fishes, Invertebrates, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, Sea Basses: Serranids: Serranidae,, West Palm Beach, [LOCATION], comedy, curious, front-side profile, funny, green, head, horizontal, macro, marine, ocean, olive, protection, shelter, twinspot bass: Serranus flaviventris, underwater, underwater photo, variegated urchin: Lytechinus variegatus

Smaller marine life will take advantage of any object in order to avoid predation. Some, like this twinspot bass, hides inside the skeletal remains of a sea urchin.