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Fish gender

Anthozoans: Anthozoa, BEHAVIOR, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Cnidarians: Cnidaria, Damselfishes: Pomacentridae, Fishes, Hexacorals: Hexacorallia, Invertebrates, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, Sea Anemones: Actiniaria,, horizontal, macro, marine, ocean, pink anemonefish: Amphiprion perideraion, protection, symbiont, symbiosis, symbiotic relationship, underwater, underwater photo, clownfish, clown, clown fish

All anemone fish are hermaphrodites. They are all born male, but the larger in a mated pair will become female. Unable to revert back to a male again, she will assume dominance of the anemone until her death. At that time the next larger male will change gender. Learn more about fish gender.