Sandy Plain of Peacefulness By LazNature Writing, Scuba Diving Journal I sometimes think to myself what is it about scuba diving that I enjoy so...Read More December 7, 2009 Love0
The Ocean’s Holy Grail By LazNature Writing, Scuba Diving Journal I recently found myself hovering in one spot no larger than five feet by five...Read More August 16, 2008 Love0
Coral Spawning — A Galaxy of Life By LazNature Writing Adrift in a vast galaxy of darkness, the beam from my flashlight breaks on a...Read More August 2, 2008 Love0
The Magic of Life By LazNature Writing I have always admired those special individuals in my life who have a connection with...Read More June 6, 2006 Love0
Nature’s Beauty and Wrath By LazNature Writing Another weekend – another hurricane headed in our direction. For the last couple of months...Read More October 22, 2005 Love0
Marvelous Muck By LazNature Writing Many would consider the title an oxymoron. How could an area consisting of muddy sediment...Read More August 26, 2004 Love0