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Bahamas lighthouse above and below the ocean

Atlantic Ocean, Bahama Island, Bahamas, Bimini, Gastropods: Gastropoda, Invertebrates, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, MORE KEYWORDS, Mollusks: Mollusca, Placobranchidae, Sea Slugs: Opisthobranchs: Ophisthobranchia: Opisthobranchia, Sea Slugs: Sacoglossans: Sacoglossa,, horizontal, lighthouse, marine, ocean, over-under: under/over: under-over: split: split perspective: ha, pier, sea grass elysia: Elysia serca, underwater, underwater photo, wide angle

An above and below the ocean view of the remains of a pier and a lighthouse in the Bahamas.