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Wild Atlantic spotted dolphins playing the seaweed game

Algae, Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic spotted dolphin: Stenella frontalis, BEHAVIOR, Bahama Island, Bahamas, Bimini, Brown Algae, Brown Algae: Brown Seaweeds: Phaeophyta, Cetaceans: Cetacea, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, Mammalia, Marine Dolphins: Delphinidae, Marine Mammals,, blue, favorite, gray, horizontal, juvenile, marine, ocean, playing, sand, sargassum seaweed: Sargassum fluitans, seaweed game, side profile, underwater, underwater photo, wide angle, wild

In the Bahamas lives a unique pod of wild Atlantic spotted dolphins who seek to interact with humans from time to time. One way they do this is by carrying a piece of sargassum seaweed in their mouth or fins and swimming closely past the humans as to invoke a game of chase. I have spent years playing with these dolphins and the interactions are by far the most amazing I have ever had in the wild.