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Humpback whale — mother and baby

Artiodactyla, BEHAVIOR, Balaena gibbosa, Balaenopteridae, Cetacea, Cetaceans: Cetacea, Filter Feeding Whales: Great Whales: Baleen Whales: Mysteceti, French Polynesia, Humpback whale, Kyphobalaena longimana, Laz Ruda, Lazaro Ruda Wildlife Photographer, MARINE LIFE, Mammalia, Marine Mammals, Megaptera, Megaptera longimana, Megaptera novaeangliae, Megaptera versabilis, Mo'orea, Moorea, Pacific Ocean, Polynesia, Rorquals, South Pacific,, baby, baleen whale, curious, horizontal, larger than 56 inches, marine, mom, ocean, panoramic, side profile, swimming, underwater, underwater photo, wide angle

Humpback whales migrate from feeding locations in polar waters to sub/tropical waters, like these from the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific, where they breed and give birth. Mother and baby humpback whales stay together for approxiamtely 1 year before the baby becomes independent.