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The sharknose goby is an active cleaner on the reef – Elacatinus

Anthozoans: Anthozoa, Bony Fishes: Osteichthyes, Cnidarians: Cnidaria, Faviidae, Faviina, Fishes, Gobies: Gobiidae, Hexacorals: Hexacorallia, Invertebrates, Marine Life, Stony Corals: Scleractina: Scleractinia, adult, black, body - full, copyrighted, coral, fish, great star coral: Montastrea cavernosa, horizontal, landscape, less than 1 inch, macro, marine, mature, ocean, perched, sharknose goby: Elacatinus evelynae, side profile, thin, underwater, underwater photo, yellow

The sharknose goby is one of three of the most active cleaners on the reefs in the Bahamas. They can be found perched on large brain corals, plate corals, or, in this case, a great star coral.