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Closeup of lemon shark at sunset – Elemental

Atlantic Ocean, Bahama Island, Bahamas, Cartilaginous Fishes: Chondrichthyes, Fishes, Ground Sharks: Carcharhiniformes, Lemon shark: Negaprion brevirostris, MORE KEYWORDS,, Requiem Sharks: Carcharhindidae, Sharks, [MARINE LIFE], black, blue, close up, eye, face, marine, marine life, moody, ocean, over-under: under/over: under-over: split: split perspective: ha, portrait, sunset, teeth, underwater, underwater photo, waves, wide angle

Lemon sharks use their electroreceptive ampullae of Lorenzini to navigate and locate prey in dark waters by detecting the electromagnetic fields generated by their victims. At night, they employ a “saltatory search” strategy, swimming slowly and making frequent turns to scan for prey.